It’s been a long spring. Which seems to be the New Normal. Although, “Normal” is a strange word for it. The climate is in chaos. The Arctic is too warm, dislodging the high speed winds called the Jet Stream and as a result, that Arctic cold is blown down on us. The winter ducks linger longer. The spring migrations of birds tend to be a little late. Many birds stay with us for a shorter time as a result. Some, inexplicably, seem to come late. The image above is a Common Loon taken during a Spring rain shower. His coloration (or plumage as it is called) is his Breeding Plumage. This is the way loons look just before they leave us and head north to build nests, lay eggs, and hatch out their babies. 48 hours after this picture was taken this loon (along with the 6 or 7 others who winter at the Refuge near Menunkatesuck Island) all left to do just that. More photos of the Late Leavers and Early Arrivals to follow. Check back soon!